Welcome to the North Mymms History Project

A growing collection of books, features, images, documents, and maps, collected, curated, and presented by a team of local volunteers keen to preserve the history of North Mymms


This site's copyright policy

Image by MusesTouch
Image by MusesTouch
All the text on this site has been published with the permission of the authors and/or the group that produced the original books and pamphlets, such as the now disbanded North Mymms Local History Society (NMLHS).

Many of the photographs on the site have been donated by the community to the Images of North Mymms collection. Some documents and images have been loaned for digitisation to the site by local historian Peter Miller.

When the NMHP reproduces photographs we always try to offer attribution. This could include the name of the photographer, the copyright holder, the person who loaned the image to the site, and/or the collection to which the photograph belongs.

However there are images on the site which don't have attribution. If you recognise a picture on the NMHP, and if you know the name of the photographer or the copyright owner, please get in touch by using the contact form at the bottom right of any page.

We will then respond, and, depending on the information received, either update the caption below the image in order to offer full attribution, or, if required by the copyright holder, remove the image from the site.