
North Mymms Park - Pictures From The Past

North Mymms Pictures From The Past

Photograph of the Octagon Lodge, North Mymms Park
The Octagon Lodge, North Mymms Park c 1914
Image courtesy of the North Mymms Local History Society

North Mymms Park

This is one of a dozen sections from North Mymms Pictures From The Past, a book published in 2002 by the former North Mymms Local History Society, featuring more than 100 old photographs of the parish. The majority of the photographs are on the Images Of North Mymms collection of CDs. To access all sections, please scroll down to the index at the foot of this page.

Photograph of Octagon Lodge, North Mymms Park c 1982
Octagon Lodge, North Mymms Park c.1982

Photograph of high flood at North Mymms Park after deep snow Christmas 1927 View from the bridge in the avenue near the war memorial.
High flood at North Mymms Park after deep snow Christmas 1927
View from the bridge in the avenue near the war memorial.

Photograph of North Mymms Park c 1902
North Mymms Park c 1902

Photograph of an aerial view of St. Mary's Church North Mymms c 1930
Aerial view of St. Mary's Church North Mymms c 1930

Photograph of St. Mary's Church, North Mymms as the spire/spike is removed in 1953 because many county churches had tall spires, this became known as "The Hertfordshire Spike"
St. Mary's Church, North Mymms as the spire/spike is removed in 1953
Because many county churches had tall spires, this became known as "The Hertfordshire Spike"

Photograph of North Mymms Cricket Club 1905. Back Row: A.Marsden, C.Canham, W.Smith, H.Nash, J.Capes, H.Mathews, W.Aslett. Front Row: F.Nash, S.Nash, H.Good, B.Rogers, B.Smith, C.Wheeler
North Mymms Cricket Club 1905
Back Row: A.Marsden, C.Canham, W.Smith, H.Nash, J.Capes, H.Mathews, W.Aslett
Front Row: F.Nash, S.Nash, H.Good, B.Rogers, B.Smith, C.Wheeler

Photograph of
North Mymms Cricket Club Colts 1926
Back Row: D.Barber, H.Nash, W.Marlborough, H.Childs, - S.Diley
Front Row: J.Archer, W.Mardell, E.Saltmarsh, J.Nash, Tyler, J.Denchfield

Photograph of St Mary's Church Choir 1920. Rev. C.Gordon Ward (1911-1930) and F.C.Waller LRAM
St Mary's Church Choir 1920
Rev. C.Gordon Ward (1911-1930) and F.C.Waller LRAM

Photograph of Bell Ringers at St Mary's Church c.1914. Back Row: J.Dell, A.Groom, J.Massey, J.Day. Front Row: R.Perry, G.Spencer, C.Nash
Bell Ringers at St Mary's Church c.1914
Back Row: J.Dell, A.Groom, J.Massey, J.Day
Front Row: R.Perry, G.Spencer, C.Nash
Photograph of Hockey Lane built for military use during World War II and used for medical staff at North Mymms Park Hospital
Hockey Lane was built for military use during World War II as accommodation
for personnel working at local aircraft establishments, medical staff at
North Mymms Park hospital and a kitting out and transit camp.
It was taken over by the council after the war when those on the housing list
were offered priority if they went to Hockey Lane temporarily,
Paul Jiggens pictured here celebrating the Coronation
lived here with his family at number 48e from 1953 to 1955

Photograph of members of the British Legion going to the dedication of the North Mymms War Memorial 1st October 1921
Members of the British Legion going to the dedication of
the North Mymms War Memorial 1st October 1921

Photograph of North Mymms War Memorial



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