
Little Heath - Pictures From The Past


The above illustration appeared in the magazine The Motor Cycle dated June 1, 1911.
The article which followed detailed the course through the grounds of Brookmans Park
which Mr H.L. Gaussen, the owner, kindly threw open
to the motor cycle section of the Herts County A.C.

Little Heath

This is one of a dozen sections from North Mymms Pictures From The Past, a book published in 2002 by the former North Mymms Local History Society, featuring more than 100 old photographs of the parish. The majority of the photographs are on the Images Of North Mymms collection of CDs. To access all sections, please scroll down to the index at the foot of this page.

Photograph of Folly Arch, built about 1740 may have been designed by the famous architect James Gibb (1682-1754)
Folly Arch, built about 1740
may have been designed by the famous architect James Gibb (1682-1754)
Photograph To source: 42 b This was taken from Folly Arch and led up to Gobions The trees were felled during WWII c 1920 From The Peter Miller Collection
This was taken from Folly Arch and led up to Gobions
The trees were felled during WWII c 1920

Photograph of Little Heath stores, Hawkshead Road (previously Pond's Stores). Now a private residence. c.1960.
Little Heath stores, Hawkshead Road (previously Pond's Stores)
Now a private residence. c.1960

Photograph of Mr Barnes roundsman of Cobb's the bakers delivering in Swanley Bar Crescent 1961.
Mr Barnes roundsman of Cobb's the bakers delivering in Swanley Bar Crescent 1961

Photograph of To source: 44a Little Heath School c.1912. Infants three front rows, juniors back rows. Teachers: Miss Sammon (left) and Florence Hill (right).
  Little Heath School c.1912 - infants three front rows, juniors back rows
Teachers: Miss Sammon (left) and Florence Hill (right).

Christ Church, Little Heath - Little Heath is part of the civil parish of North Mymms
It was part of the ecclesiastical parish of North Mymms until 1894 when Queen Victoria's
Order in Council approved the formation of Little Heath as a separated ecclesiastical parish.
The Rev. J. Consterdine was first Vicar. c1920



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